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Data Protection and Privacy Policy

Updated December 2024

My staff and I keep in touch with constituents about my work, take up casework on their behalf and ask for views on issues.

This policy explains how I collect and use personal data, and the legal basis for doing so.  As the holder of that data I am called the Data Controller.  You can also find here an explanation of your rights in relation to that data.  My responsible staff member for data protection can be contacted at or by writing to Lucy Rigby MP, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA.

I also have access to other information which I or my office, or volunteers working with me, may use for campaigning purposes or for communicating with Labour Party members.  The Data Controller for that information is the Labour Party whose privacy policy can be located here: (

Data collection and use

My office will only collect and use personal information for the specific purpose for which it has been obtained.

Policy inquiries and casework (personal problems) enquiries bring with them information provided by the constituent and/or on behalf of the constituent.  I will only share such information with a third-party organisation where this is necessary and reasonable to do so, and therein, that would be only the amount of information deemed necessary to ensure the query is handled efficiently.  The data processing is for performing tasks in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority.

Please see the “who I share your information with” section for further details.

If you register with my website or complete a form or survey sent to you by my office, you may be asked for personal information.  In each case, I will seek your explicit consent to use your information, and I will only use it for the purposes for which you provide it.

I may communicate by post, email, or phone about my work and give you the latest news on my campaigns and opportunities to get involved.  I have a legal entitlement to the full electoral register for my constituency, which includes the full name and address of every registered elector, and I may write to you in connection with my activities as an MP.

Other than in the circumstances above, I will only send emails, texts or contact you by telephone where you have provided explicit consent for me to do so.  You may withdraw your consent or unsubscribe at any time from communications in any medium by contacting the responsible officer for data protection.

I will not use personal data for any automated decision making or profiling.

Who I share your information with:

When I take up casework on your behalf, it may be necessary for me to share the details you provide with government departments, local authorities and other public bodies.  I will only share as much information as is necessary to take your case forward.  If you have any questions or concerns about how information you provide as part of a casework request is used, please contact my office for more information.

Other than in the circumstances above, I will not share personal information with other organisations without your explicit consent.

In order to communicate with you about my work, it may be necessary for me to transfer personal information to countries or jurisdictions outside the EU.  In each case, I will take steps to ensure that the suppliers I use comply with the General Data Protection Regulation or are subject to the Privacy Shield scheme agreed between the European Union and the United States.

Retention of personal data

I will only keep your personal information for as long as it is necessary to fulfil the purposes described in this policy.  All personal data is collected on a secure electronic system. Any paper documents supplied to me are scanned onto the electronic system in the data subject’s case file and securely destroyed immediately or returned to the data subject in the post, if they have requested for their return. There are no paper records kept in my office. You are advised

to retain your own copies of correspondence, should you wish to keep a record of your case.

Information relating to casework will usually be held for no longer than necessary. Some types of data may be held for longer than others. Typically, the maximum retention is two election cycles. Review of the data held will occur in each election cycle to determine whether it should be maintained or put beyond use. I also comply with the ICO’s expectation guidelines relating to petitions.

I will regularly review the personal information I hold to ensure that its use is necessary and proportionate. I may delete information that I consider repetitive in order to hold minimal personal data.

IP Addresses and Cookies

My website does not automatically capture or store personal information, other than logging the user’s IP Address or the location of your computer or network on the internet for systems administration and troubleshooting purposes.  I also use IP addresses in the aggregate to track which pages people visit in order to improve the quality of the site.

A cookie is a tiny text file that is stored on your computer.  Cookies may be used in order to tailor your experience on this site according to the preferences you have specified.  Cookies on this website do not contain personally identifiable information, other than your IP address, which itself is only very rarely enough to identify you as an individual.

Links to other websites:

If this website contains links to other websites.  I am not responsible for the content or privacy practices of these websites.

Your rights:

You have a number of rights in relation to your personal information and the opportunity to choose how it is used. You can:


  • Obtain copies of the personal information I hold about you (known as a “subject access request”)

  • Request that personal information you have given your consent for me to use, and that I still hold, is provided in an electronic format so it can be transferred to another data controller (also known as ‘data portability’)

  • Request that I correct or update any personal information held about you

  • Ask that we erase or restrict the way in which I use your information

You may opt out of receiving further communications from me in any medium at any time.  All requests to unsubscribe are dealt with promptly.

If you wish to exercise your rights in respect of your personal data or have any concerns about how your data is used, please contact the responsible officer for data protection:

Address: Lucy Rigby MP, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA


Telephone: 0207 219 7605

Alternatively, you have the right to raise any issues or concerns directly with the Information Commissioner’s Office, at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF or

Get in touch

If you need help or advice, please get in touch in one of the following ways, ensuring that you include your address and a contact number to reach you on:

Lucy Rigby MP

House of Commons



01604 915131

(Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm)


Website designed by AudioSolve by Dan Moloney

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